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Specifications Spécifique

New year, new look
I found one of my favourite winter pictures from 2006, « purpled » it up and married it to our sepia theme for the blog.

New year, new resolutions

  • Diet:
    • Continue good progress on the vegetables
      The more, the better!
    • Reduce portions
      I’m an ogre… I consciously reduced my portions over a weekend before the holidays (and spent three days feeling hungry), but there’s still a way to go for my stomach to shrink to a normal size.
    • Eat more fish
      This should go well, since we’re getting better at cooking it.
  • Environment:
    • Stop the water while I soap up.
      Since a steaming shower is my version of morning coffee, I’m having moderate success so far. At least, it doesn’t take much time to soap up compared to rinsing, but these nippy intervals are so chilly!
    • Get eco-friendly cleaning products as my old ones need replacing
      (except for Ivory Snow, the official scent of the kids, and Mr. Clean’s oh-so-magic Eraser)
  • Take a class or two, learn something new
    Probably at least an evening of photography
  • Donate blood and/or time
  • Hire a maid
  • Work on a project with Frank

Nouvelle année, nouveau look
J’ai retrouvé une de mes photos d’hiver favorites de 2006, l’ai « enpourprée » et l’ai marriée à notre thème sépia pour le blog.

Nouvelle année, nouvelles résolutions

  • Diète :
    • Continuer le bon progrès avec les légumes
      Plus il y en a, mieux c’est!
    • Réduire mes portions
      Je suis une ogre… J’ai consciemment réduit mes portions durant un weekend avant les fêtes (et ai passé 3 jours à avoir faim), mais j’ai encore du chemin à faire pour que mon estomac rapetisse à une taille normale.
    • Manger plus de poisson
      Ça devrait bien fonctionner, puisque que nous commençons à être meilleurs pour l’apprêter.
  • Environnement :
    • Arrêter l’eau pendant que je me savonne.
      Puisqu’une douche bien chaude, c’est mon café matinal à moi, j’ai un succès mitigé jusqu’ici. Au moins, c’est pas tellement long se savonner comparé au rinçage, mais bon dieux qu’on gèle pendant ces intervalles frisquets!
    • Choisir de nouveaux produits ménagers écolos à mesure que j’épuise mes anciens
      (à l’exception du Ivory Neige, la scenteur officielle des enfants, et l’Effaceur si magique de Mr. Net)
  • Suivre un cours ou deux, apprendre qqch de nouveau
    Probablement au moins une soirée de photographie
  • Donner du sang et/ou du temps
  • Engager une aide ménagère
  • Travailler sur un projet avec François

7 commentaires sur “Specifications Spécifique”

  1. Are you measuring/ and or weighing the food or just eyeballing it? This is my biggest problem too!

    Also, hiring a maid is the best idea ever. Ever since I read your comment on housekeeping being Sisyphean that’s all I ever think about when I clean the darn bathroom!

  2. Eyeballing. Right now, I can gobble up a plate of pasta to rival my father’s – and he’s over 6 feet tall, over 200 pounds. I’m allowing myself to eat as many vegetables as I want, and dairy is okay too, but I have to watch my starch intake.

    Maternity leave ends in a month, and that maid is totally getting a call once I’m back at my job.

  3. Article on clean cleaning (by a friend of mine):

    Shower kill switch:

    Actually, it’s an awesome blog I think you’d love. Maybe just subscribe? 🙂

    Magic Eraser isn’t that bad for the environment. It doesn’t user harsh chemicals to clean but instead it’s a neutral material that uses its hardness to clean. However, I’m not sure what goes into its manufacturing so I can’t be 100% sure how neutral it really is.

    I need to see if I can give blood…

  4. Ah, thanks fv, great help. I had been thinking about those green products they have now at the grocery stores, but this is even better of course (and safer for the kids), because I don’t know if I really trust those green products anyway.

    As for giving blood, if you’re not on antibiotics and you don’t have the flu (no fever or throat ache), you’re probably good. Hema-Quebec has a funky rule about being in Europe for a while between 1980 and 1996, though, so if you’ve been over there some, I don’t know… Here’s the link :

  5. Yeah, it’s the Europe rule that gets me. I visited it a lot growing up so I guess I’m still banned. Ah well… Thanks for the link.

  6. This New Years finds me trying to get back to the gym. Unlike those around me, I tend to shrink when not working out. I start looking like the vegetarian that I am when not pumping the iron. So, for health and in an attempt to break stereotypes about us rabbit food eaters…I’m trying to get back on the wagon.

    The green cleaning supplies is a great one. We use the eco-friendly stuff as often as possible. For a while we used a lot of baking soda, but it just didn’t cut it for some things. Pots and pans…excellent. Unclogging drains…perfect. Cleaning the toilet…we had to call in the heavy hitters for that one. But it’s still a greta weapon to have in the arsenal.

    The shower shut off it a nice one too. I do the same and it certianly speeds up your lather time. It does, however, allow hot water to leak up the cold water line…leading to a full on hot blast when you turn the water back on. At least…that’s how it works in my shower.

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