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Easy Kid’s Craft: Pipe-cleaner Spider

Pipe-cleaner spider

My daughter Orléane crafted a cute Halloween spider out of pipe-cleaners yesterday. She’s a creative child and one of her favorite past-times is to pick up random craft supplies and invent something.

Coloured papers and scotch tape are usually her weapons of choice (that kid loves scotch tape), but I recently reorganised the craft corner and gathered all the various packs of chenille stems in easily-accessible spot. A tempting offer for her creative hands!

Craft corner organisation

Twisting the pipe-cleaners together to get a spider shape is fairly easy to figure out, but the legs are the real charm here. Here is how she gave them this look…

Cut pieces of chenille stems

Orléane used hot pink stems to build the basic spider shape. Then, she cut black stems into a series of short pieces, which she double-twisted, one by one, along each leg.


Twisting the pipe-cleaners

Spider leg

She did this for every leg — it took a couple of minutes! At the end, she attached a brown stem around the middle, to beef up the center.


Here it is again, all tarantula-like… It’s a fun, quick and easy Halloween craft for kids to handle on their own (provided they can use sharp scissors). Happy Halloween!

Pipe-cleaner spider - Easy Halloween kid's craft

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