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Welcome, Google friends Bienvenue, amis Googliens

Frank, apps and online tricks amateur that he is, installed Piwik stats for the blog a while back. On a whim, sometimes, he likes to check on them. Every time, we get a laugh as the same keyword keeps popping up.

Curious about which post drags in the most search engine visitors around here? I know you are.

It’s a post for which I used the title « J’aime papa, J’aime maman, j’aime… », which are the words to a popular kid song in Québec. BUT, are you curious about which one comes right in second place and gets our laugh? I know you are.

The post is this one from 2005, and the keyword is Koss KS7322-2.

I’m thinking of adding a « Product review » category.
François, en amateur d’apps et de trucs en ligne qu’il est, a installé des stats Piwik pour le blog il y a un bout de temps. Au gré de sa fantaisie, une fois de temps en temps, il y jette un coup d’oeil. Chaque fois, nous y récoltons un rire alors que le même mot-clé apparaît.

Vous êtes curieux de savoir quel post attire le plus de visiteurs des engins de recherche, par ici? Je sais que vous l’êtes.

Eh bien c’est un post pour lequel j’ai employé le titre « J’aime papa, J’aime maman, j’aime… », qui sont des mots bien connus au Québec. MAIS, êtes vous curieux de savoir lequel arrive juste en deuxième place et qui nous fait rire? Je sais que vous l’êtes.

Le post est celui-ci qui date de 2005, et le mot-clé est Koss KS7322-2.

Je pense à ajouter une catégorie de critique de produit.

3 commentaires sur “Welcome, Google friends Bienvenue, amis Googliens”

  1. It seemed appropriate to comment for this post that I have added you as an ‘imaginary friend’ over in FriendFeed. It uses the standard RSS feed to create an entry for you so I get each entry updated now. I don’t think it creates any hits for your Stats so I thought I should let you know how I was receiving it.

    Of course if you start using FriendFeed I won’t have to have you as imaginary any more 😉

  2. I’ve just suscribed to FriendFeed. I like that I could add it to my iGoogle homepage, so it integrates into my usual setup.

    It seems like something Facebook should be doing naturally, but isn’t – it’s good FF has an application to integrate into Facebook, though, and who knows? It might make it possible for me to have more interaction with my facebook crowd. (I don’t hang out over there much… the interface is anti-efficient, and I always feel like I’ve just wasted my time over on that website. I don’t care that some guy I knew when I was 6 is now a party dude, all about beer and friends and joints, you know?)

    I would have loved to remain an imaginary friend, though – like being a live fairy tale.

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