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RT&CC 3: Too much HGTV

  • RT&CC

Au magasin de rénovation :
E – Je ne m’attendais pas d’avoir de problème à trouver un abri de jardin en juin.
Commis – Ouais. Les gens se sont tous dépêchés à en acheter au printemps – j’imagine qu’ils étaient tannés de l’hiver. Le magasin a de la difficulté à re-stocker, alors ils poussent pour faire entrer les foyers maintenant. Ça devrait rentrer bientôt.
E – Tu sais quoi? J’avais trouvé un foyer que j’adorais en liquidation en février, mais j’ai accouché plus tard dans la même journée, et quand j’ai pu revenir au magasin en mars, les BBQs étaient sortis déjà et j’ai manqué ma chance.
Commis – C’est une bonne chose qu’ils reviendront bientôt, alors, hen?
E – Ouain. Mais j’espèrais l’obtenir en rabais à nouveau, alors je devrai attendre pour les prix de fin-de-saison. Ce sera quand, alors… septembre ou octobre, tu crois?
C’est fou le commerce. 😛

Qui aurait cru qu’une teinte de beige/brun serait la couleur la plus difficile à choisir? Jane devrait avoir une hotline.

« Tu sais tous les dépliants qu’ils te donnent à l’hôpital, qui disent que ton enfant va mourir si tu le laisses dormir sur le ventre? »

E – Xavier, manges du poulet, stp. Miam, miam, poulet?
X – Non.
E – Miam, c’est bon le poulet! … Goûtes-y, au moins.
X – NON.
F – Tiens, Xavier, une PÉ-TON-CLE.
X – … AT-TONK! (Il goûte, puis 🙂 Mmmm!! Encore?
F – Tiens, encore.
X – At-tonk! (Il mâche.) Encore?
F – Et voilà. Encore une autre pétoncle (qui est en fait du poulet coupé de la grosseur d’une pétoncle).
X – Miam, miam! (Il l’avale.) Encore?
F – C’est du poulet, Xavier. Tu vois, tu as plein de poulet déjà dans ton assiette.
X – Pal-lèèè!
Il commence à engouffrer tous les petits morceaux de poulet un à un. Ouf, les trucs qu’on doit leur jouer parfois…

C’est embêtant de déterminer quel enfant apprend le plus rapidement, ces jours-ci. Xavier absorbe langage et concepts comme une grosse boule de neige bruyante, tandis que le développement d’Orléane – préhension, développement moteur et social – est plus subtile, mais non moins rapide, parce qu’elle part de zéro, finalement.

X – Allô mamaaan.
E – Allô Xavier. Oh, tu sens bon, Xavier. Tu viens de prendre un bon bain?
X – Oui… (Il pense, puis ajoute 🙂 …de l’eau.
E – Avec de l’eau? Wow. Au diable les dépenses, hen?
X – Oui.
At the reno store:
E – I didn’t quite expect to have trouble finding a garden gazebo in June.
Clerk – Yeah. People all rushed in for those in spring – I guess they got sick of winter. The store has trouble re-stocking, so they’re pushing to get fireplaces in, now. Should be in soon.
E – You know what? I saw you had a fireplace I loved at half price in February, but I gave birth later that same day and, by the time I could get back to the store in March, BBQs were out and I missed my chance.
Clerk – Good thing those will be back soon then, eh?
E – Yeah. But I was hoping to get it on sale again, so I’ll have to wait for the end-of-season prices. When will that be: september or october, do you think?
Crazy commerce. 😛

Who would have thought a shade of taupe/beige would be the most difficult colour to pick? Jane should have a hotline.

« You know all the pamphlets they give you at the hospital, that say your baby will die if you let him sleep on his tummy? »

E – Xavier, eat some chicken, please. Yum, yum, chicken?
X – No.
E – Mmm, yummy chicken! … Taste it, at the least.
X – NO.
F – Here, Xav, a SCAL-LOP.
X – … A-LOP! (He tastes, then:) Mmmm!! More?
F – Here, more.
X – A-lop! (He chews.) More?
F – There you go. Another scallop (which is in fact chicken cut to the size of a scallop).
X – Yum, yum! (He swallows.) More?
F – It’s chicken, Xavier. See, there’s lots of chicken already in your plate.
X – Chi-kennnn!
He starts stuffing all the little pieces of chicken one by one in his mouth. Oy, the tricks we have to pull…

It’s hard to determine which kid is learning the fastest these days. Xavier is absorbing language and concepts like a big noisy snowball, while Orly’s development – prehension, motor and social skills – is more subtle, but no less quick, because she’s starting from scratch, after all.

X – Allô mamaaan.
E – Allô Xavier. Oh, you smell nice, Xavier. You just had a good bath?
X – Yes… (He thinks, then adds:) …water.
E – With water? Wow. To hell with expenses, eh?
X – Yes.

3 commentaires sur “RT&CC 3: Too much HGTV”

  1. J’adooore cette nouvelle formule de blog de temps à autres! ;)C’est rafraîchissant et marrant. Bravo!

  2. We recently went looking for white drapes for our kitchen. No lace, no frills, just simple, non-offensive, « my house is on the market » white drapes. Seemed like a simple request. No dice. Checked 4 places and finally ended up with blue instead.

    Norah has gotten far pickier about her food as well. Still wonderfully experimental when compared to other toddlers I know, but more restrictive than she used to be. I can usually get her to try something new by having her stab a piece of the offensive food onto her fork and give the bite to me. After much drama concerning the outragiously tasty morsel…she is more likely to try it herself. If not, I then suggest she give Elmo (or any other character who appears on her plate, or cup, or placemat) a bite. She loves to share her food and by this point she starts to feel left out and will usually give it a shot.

    I’m still working on the if/then statements. I’m looking forward to the day that « If you take a bite of this, then you can have a little more V8, » makes sense to her. No luck just yet.

  3. What sometimes works with Xavier is « chin-chin » (hear, hear!). Like toasting a glass with someone, except we do it for anything (fork to fork, spoon to spoon, etc.). Sometimes Xavier will do the chin-chin part but still won’t taste the food, but often he’ll take a bite that way, at the same time we do.

    I’m also trying to work in the if/then statements. We’re still having some confusion over the « then/after » part (periods of time are still a blurry notion), but I have good faith.

    White drapes… twin-bed sheets without cartoon characters… yup. Simple is hard to find.

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