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  • Xavier

Xavier made his first drawing today at Jinny’s. He is quite the artist isn’t he ? I really like how he matched the colors, and the lines, they are so straights and curved at the same time. Xavier also tasted most crayons while drawing his chef d’oeuvre.Xavier a fait son premier dessin aujourd’hui. Tout un artiste non ? J’aime vraiment l’agencement des couleurs, et les lignes, elle sont simplement géniales. Xavier en a aussi profité pour goûter à la plupart des crayons.

4 commentaires sur “Artiste”

  1. It’s clearly a large-nosed woman in profile. Not sure who he’s drawing, but its an impressive piece of work. His sense of page balance is actually pretty amazing.

    We’ve yet to let Norah loose with the crayons. Clearly it’s time to give it a try. As they grow and change daily, it’s hard to remember to keep putting new challenges in front of them. It’s cool to have a network of friends to jar the mind occasionally and remind me of what a one year old can do. Thanks.

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