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There I was, doing my morning workout…

When suddenly, this happened!

Mom thinks this is way cool, but I’m wondering: what is it good for?

– Xavier
J’étais là, à faire mon workout matinal…

Quand tout à coup, il est arrivé ça!

Maman a l’air de trouver ça très cool, mais je me demande bien à quoi ça va me servir…

– Xavier

4 commentaires sur “4×4”

  1. Xavier – This is a very important step in your development. Your body is now a few inches off the floor, which is a vital requirement for falling. And falling, as you will soon learn, is a critcal and entertaining aspect of childhood. Enjoy!

  2. Xavier, if your mom attaches a dry mop head to your knees, you can clean the floor for her. Or you can start to crawl REALLY close to the stairs and scare the crap out of her. That’s way fun!

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