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Une décennie en commun

From Misc. (pour le blog)

Transl. « A decade in common »

See those two people up there? That’s Frank and I, taking away 10 years (and at least as many pounds…).

We were two friends on a weekend trip to Manhattan, and this not-so-excellent shot is our first ever picture together. This was taken in a bar called the Tunnel, which might or might not still exist (the landscape has changed much in the big city since 1998). No, I don’t know why Frank is wearing sunglasses inside – almost all the light in this picture comes from the camera’s flash. I guess he thought it was cool, he had probably just bought those from a street vendor. I’m happy to notice he has stopped wearing t-shirts that are too large for him. I’m proud he has stopped smoking so many years ago that I always forget he was a smoker once. And yeah, I’ve done something about my horrible eyebrows since then.

We came back from NY as a couple and have stuck together since. This weekend marks our first decade in common. I think we’ve made it ok so far, and we’re celebrating by looping back to the Big Apple.

We’re leaving Friday for four days. I’ll bring back notes from the trip. 😉
Vous voyez ces deux jeunes là-haut? C’est François et moi, si on enlève 10 ans (et au moins autant de livres…).

Nous étions deux amis en voyage d’une fin de semaine à Manhattan, et ce cliché pas-très-excellent constitue notre toute première photo ensemble. Elle a été prise dans un bar nommé le Tunnel, qui n’existe peut-être plus (le paysage a changé pas mal dans cette ville depuis 1998). Non, je ne sais pas pourquoi François porte des lunettes de soleil à l’intérieur – presque toute la lumière dans cette photo provient du flash de la caméra. J’imagine qu’il trouvait ça cool, il venait probablement de les acheter d’un vendeur dans la rue. Je suis contente de constater qu’il a enfin arrêté de porter des t-shirts trop grands pour lui. Je suis fière qu’il ait arrêté de fûmer il y a tant d’années que j’oublie toujours qu’il a déjà été fûmeur. Et ouais, j’ai fait quelque chose à propos de mes horribles sourcils depuis le temps.

Nous sommes revenus de NYC en couple et sommes restés ensemble depuis. Ce weekend marquera notre première décennie en commun. Je crois que nous nous en sommes bien tirés jusqu’ici, et nous célébrerons en boucle en retournant vers la Big Apple.

Nous partons vendredi pour quatre jours. Je vous rapporterai quelques notes de voyage. 😉

4 commentaires sur “Une décennie en commun”

  1. That’s a wonderful milestone, and a great way to celebrate it. Do you have somebody to watch the kids, because I assume you’d prefer to go without them. We’re just at seven years now – five married – and I think it would be cool to do something like that. But it’d be less romantic for us to return to the retail store in West Edmonton Mall where we met. You know?

  2. lol!
    Well you SHOULD detour by the place, still. If only to share a kiss and a memory. Maybe buy another (pair of shoes?), just to celebrate.
    Happy 5 years anniversary of marriage 🙂

    And oh yes, we’re flying duo on this one. By bus, actually. My parents will have the kids. I love my kids, but this little break will be welcome. I’m happy, because we made an overnight test run last weekend, and it was a success! Orly has even been nicer through the night than she is at home these days, so I don’t have to be too anxious about that.

    Just 5 days and a couple hours now. w00t!

  3. Congratulations Emilie! Yuo both look so very little! We just celebrated our own 10 year anniversary, but very low key. The way things are right now, it still feels like we’re in high school – we’ll celebrate when « the grow-up » hits.

    Oh, and I thought they were shorts, not shoes?

  4. Hey Tal, thanx. And congratulations to you too for the relationship mileage – I’m certain you’ve gained some experience to show for it regardless. 😉

    Regarding the « shorts, not shoes », I’m assuming you mean the item Simon bought from his wife-to-be when they met. That’s why I put the parenthesis there: I couldn’t remember what item it was (and was too lazy to go check), I just remembered he found more than he was looking for while shopping there.

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