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Blog Update – Bilingue / Bilingual

Frank has played with the blog setup, and enabled cookies for the bilingual preferences. In standard English (ha-ha…), this means that, once you have clicked on your preferred language on the top right of the page, (almost all) the text will be displayed in that language. This preference will also be maintained throughout the blog – as opposed to reverting back to English once a link is used, as it annoyingly used to do.

There is also a French RSS feed available now, which is great news for all our French RSS subscribers. (If there’s one of you out there, feel free to drop a comment and surprise us.) You’ll find the link in the sidebar.

I might or might not use this feature for post titles. I haven’t decided yet if I prefer having a title in each language, or just one title with the accompanying translation in the other language (and a bit of language education at the same time, in a way) – opinions are welcome.
François a joué avec le setup du blog et a activé les cookies pour les préférences bilingues. En bon Français (ha-ha…), ça veut dire que, une fois que vous aurez cliqué sur votre langage préféré en haut à droite de la page, (presque tout) le texte sera affiché en cette langue. Cette préférence sera également maintenue à travers le blog – plutôt que revenir à l’Anglais dès qu’un lien est utilisé, comme ça faisait avant.

Il y a aussi un feed RSS français disponible maintenant, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle pour tous nos abonnés RSS français. (S’il y en a un parmi vous, n’hésitez pas à nous laisser un commentaire pour nous faire la surprise.) Vous trouverez le lien dans la barre de droite.

Je vais peut-être ou peut-être pas utiliser cette nouvelle fonction pour les titres de posts. Je n’ai pas encore décidé si je préfère offrir un titre pour chaque langue, ou un titre tout court accompagné de sa traduction dans l’autre langue (question d’offrir un brin d’éducation en même temps) – vos opinions sont les bienvenues.

4 commentaires sur “Blog Update – Bilingue / Bilingual”

  1. I LOVE opining!!

    I frequently do it when I’m not even asked, but in the event that I am asked directly (or, in this case, indirectly) I require little to no impetus to get me going.

    For the post titles, personally, I prefer just the one language and then a bit of an edumacation on the translation. Heck, after taking French for nine years in school, all I remain capable of doing is asking for the bathroom or the library.

    Keep educatin’, Emy, keep educating.

  2. I say keep the titles in both languages please.

    From a purely selfish point of view. I use your blog to teach others in my classes about the importance of not being dependent on English only. Also that they will draw a larger audience if their blogs are bi-lingual. Of course most of my people are in Spanish but the point is solid.

    And of course having your darn cute kids up on the screen to compete with Si’s darn cute kids is always helpful too.


  3. (Sorry I’m taking so long to reply… both your opinions are appreciated, btw.)

    Featured in a class? BOB, I’m honoured. When you say « keep the titles in both languages », though, the « keep » is throwing me off. « keeping » things as they were, there would be one official title in one language (whichever suits my fancy), and the translation would be offered at the start of the post of the opposite language.

    The other way I’m offering (and that I haven’t even tested yet, but I think it will work), is to have a title for each language, invisible to the other language – which is what I think you’re suggesting.

    So Simon, your opinion is levered against the benefit of a whole class, but if I do choose against your preference, no worries: I have been thinking about posting some light French/English translation articles (nothing too serious), so all is not lost on the education front.

    That is of course entirely subject to variables such as available time, personal interest, and the deciding factor: plain I-dont-feel-like-dabbling-with-that-tonight.

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